On Call Service Pros provides a verified list of small business service professionals that guarantee workmanship, quality and professionalism. Our network of professionals are rated 4.0 or higher and have passed a rigorous 300 point assessment. We conduct an annual assessment of all service contractors listed.
Homeowners, property investors, real estate professionals, brokers and property maintenance professionals use this platform to connect with reputable, locally-owned and operated home service companies.
There are 3 ways to use our service:
Request a custom list of service providers by emailing info@eocdfw.com (No Charge) or visit our Find a Pro page
Get Listed by selecting your membership level on the Join Our Pro Network
Sign Up to receive our semi-monthly newsletter with home service tips, featured small businesses and residential home improvement trends to share with your neighbors, network, clients and community!
We understand that owning and managing residential properties is time-consuming and stressful in the sea of Service Professionals that you can research and select. That's why every member is assigned a dedicated Home Manager that will follow up with you to provide tips, seasonal checklists, and remind you of important tasks to preserve your home. During these touchpoints, if the property owner needs to schedule an appointment for service, it's scheduled on the spot!
Unlike Warranty companies that send cheap, inexperienced labor techs - 100% of our Technicians in our network have clean backgrounds, are state-licensed, have over 15 years of experience, and are either Journeyman or Master Techs. This is the reason we offer a Lifetime Labor Workmanship Warranty on all services we provide with every Home Service Contractor on our network. We stand behind our service!
Our goal is to give you a worry-free experience 100% of the time when it comes to your home, so you can focus on the more important things.